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A series of simple discovery

2016-10-10 00:00:00 +0000

A collection of random thoughts and those small useful things to share, where, one day some of these idea might spark into a full post

23/03/17 Goat milk in your coffee

Try goat milk in your morning coffee, it tastes great!

09/03/17 Taking a bath

There is no rule about how many times you can come out and go back into your tub during one hot bath. Try it, come out and get some drinks, then go back and enjoy your bath for 2nd round.

23/10/16 Yoga and TRX

Using TRX/Resistance band to help you goto into a difficult yoga poses

23/10/16 Home

Tidy up method with KonMari
KonMari Method, you tidy not from one room to another but by category; you go through categories, such as clothes, books and sentimental items, and pick out only what sparks joy.

21/10/16 Cooking

วันนี้เอา Sauerkraut, Carrot, Chickpea, Green peas, มะเขือเทศ กุ้งแห้ง ถั่วลิสง มายำรวมกัน น้ำตาล มะนาวนิด น้ำปลา smoked Paprika ทำเสร็จ รู้สึกได้ว่า นี่มัน “ส้มตำ” นี่นา 555+
กินกะ smoked Salmon ด้วยนะ ความฟินระดับหมื่นลี้ <3

21/10/16 Cooking without oil

Mixing Olives in your food instead. for Warm Dishes, olives work far better than Avocado

01/10/16 Tea

Using right amount of water make tea taste better

01/1016 Cutting Calories

Drink Water, it is pretty easy for us to confuse between Hungry and Thirsty.
Apple, 92% Water and plenty of Fibers. It tasted great and will keep you feeling enough for very long time.
Courgette, Have you ever tried Courgette Noodle?

01/01/16 Walking

Better start your step from the knee, not the leg


Nice Roasted Aubergine can be cooked by simply slice it in half, seasoned then bake at 180c for 60min


Linda McCartney Veggie Sausages are amazing. (that tasty spicy dumpling I had when I worked in Pune, India)

01/01/16 Walking

Buying shoes based on your bigger foot, then padding the smaller one with insoles.

bath salt linda Sausages furoshiki pgtip gold
konmari trx-yoga courgette-noodle

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